Kenneth Chan, an accomplished CEO and thought leader with over 30 years of hands-on experience in Fortune 500 consumer and retail multinational companies, has been elected to the Board of Directors of SaladStop! Group (“SaladStop!” or “the Group”), one of Asia’s fastest growing tech-enabled food providers.
As a board member, Chan will provide strategic council to SaladStop! management leveraging his experience with multinational companies such as McDonald’s, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, and Singapore Airlines. Chan will strengthen and optimize their existing growth blueprints with focus on regional expansions, operational excellence, digital transformation, and financial frameworks, supply chain optimization, continuing to build on the strong fundamentals of the business.
“We are thrilled to welcome Kenneth to our board as we continue to advance our strategic agenda,” said SaladStop!’s CEO Adrien Desbaillets. “As we scale the business, his regional experience will strengthen the core of our organization as we set out to expand our footprint in Singapore and broaden our penetration across Southeast Asia and wider.”
Chan is a 30-year veteran of consumer-facing businesses where he has paved paths for continued and sustainable growth for Fortune 500 companies. Kenneth was McDonald’s Chief Executive Officer for China and Division President for the Greater China region between 2009 to 2015 where he led the organization of over 150,000 employees and oversaw the fastest period of expansion at that time (opening over 1,000 restaurants in the span of 5 years), laying a strong foundation through talent development, supply chain solidification, systems and tools optimizations , IT and digital transformation.
More recently from 2016 to 2021, Chan served as an equity and operating partner (as part of the Lionhorn Group – McDonald’s licensee) for McDonald’s Singapore and Malaysia, and the Managing Director of McDonald’s Singapore where he continued to provide stewardship driving ground-breaking success for the business through his expertise in operational excellence, digital transformation, organization upskilling and the customer. Kenneth has also held regional and in-market brand positions in PepsiCo International and Procter & Gamble, grounding his foundation in consumer facing businesses.
“I have been extremely impressed by the growth and mission of the SaladStop! Group to offer healthy and nutritious food that would be accessible and convenient to everyone. The vision has since been underlined with best-in-class sustainable practices and emboldened with food innovation and the use of proprietary digital solutions that cater to the needs of today’s consumers who are conscious of the choices they make,” said Chan.
Chan’s track record of driving significant results and accelerating growth for various Fortune 500 companies, further empowers and elevates SaladStop!’s existing competitive advantage in the space. Through his experience and leadership the brand will solidify their position of market-maker and continue to make the consumer megatrends of living a sustainable, healthy, and digitally powered lifestyle, accessible to all.